Friday, May 25, 2012

It's the Weekend!!! I said I would mention weekends in a separate post, so here it is.  Again, this is what has worked for me.  It may not necessarily work for you but it may give you that special spark.

So I weigh in on Saturday mornings.  Its the first thing I do after visiting the bathroom.  There the week long wait is over and I can now enjoy my weekend. :)

I pretty much eat what I like on the weekends and staying within reason has gotten easier and easier due to the fact that certain things now make me feel yucky.  For example if I were to go to McD's and have a big mac super sized blow out I would probably be moaning and groaning in the bathroom, yeah not fun.  But for me to realize it I had to try it and learn from my mistakes, and should you.  The longer you eat healthier the harsher the not so healthy foods will be on your tummy. Not only that the longer you do this the smaller your meals will be and you will find that you probably won't be able to eat as much as you used to. (Hurray for proper portions!)

That being said I suggest you eat that greasy cheesy burger you have been craving all week.  Please feel free to use your weekends as your craving curbers.  But just remember you don't necessarily want to be working out to burn the weekend fat you gained for the first part of the week.

Weekend exercise?  Yeah I don't so much.  They are my workout days of rest, it allows my body to recoup and gear up for the next week of pounding.  But I do stay active in the yard and around the house, and maybe a walk with the family.  With summer coming I would assume that part of the weekends will be spent at the lake or the pool, so I still stay active, I'm just not determined to burn major amounts of calories.

I will be enjoying Chinese take out and grilled burgers and homemade fries this weekend. :D

Enjoy your Holiday weekend and enjoy the wonderful foods that surround you, be safe and happy, savor it cause Tuesday is gonna come fast!.

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