Wednesday, July 11, 2012


So for me Zumba was my gateway workout.  When I started all this in January I went and bought Zumba for the Wii and fell in love and I credit it for giving me the exercise fever.  It was so much fun and it showed me that with a list of great heart pumping songs I could get through any workout.

I take a total of three Zumba classes every week, one of which is an Aqua Zumba class.  All three classes have different instructors.  My Wednesday Zumba class is very intense and usually has the most people.  Friday's class is smaller and you sweat but you don't drip.  Aqua Zumba is however much you tune into your body and how fast you can make that water move.

I have heard a lot of opinions towards Zumba from an array of different people.  I think the number one  thing I hear from people is that they can't get the steps right, they aren't coordinated enough, or they can't move that fast.  Like I said before try try again.  Yes the steps can be difficult to learn, can I do them perfect?  Absolutely not, am I the only one in my class?  Positively not. I have a wide range of men and women that take my classes (mostly women).  From 9 years old to 75 years old.  Some can really get down and shake their booties and some just stand in one spot and pick their feet up so slightly.  Some people can really move with grace and rhythm and some definitely do not.  

Most of the steps used are basic dance steps and once you learn them you should be fairly set to go.  Mambo, salsa, cumbia, and more.  Pay attention to the instructors feet and you should learn them quickly, if not who cares!  Just keep moving, get into the music, and have FUN!  Don't be discouraged cause you can't get the footwork down.

Recently I heard that Zumba is for someone who has a lower fitness level.  Bologna!  Zumba is what you make of it and the instructor you have.  You can't expect to see any results if you let gravity take hold and flail your arms and legs around aimlessly.  You have to use your body.  Zumba can be a great cardio and toning workout, not only that but it is superb for your core.   In an average class you can burn anywhere from 400-1000 calories (I'm pretty sure the larger would be an instructors burn).  It is a great cardio workout, slims and tones your entire body, and helps you improve your balance and motor skills.  

Zumba isn't only a physical workout but a mental one as well.  We all know that exercising releases endorphins (they make us feel good) thus helping us to relax and get rid of that nasty anxiety that looms over us.  Plus you get outta the regular monotonous daily routine and socialize.  We have a very social class where I go and many of us have an unspoken facial language in which we speak to each other during class (like, I cannot believe I am doing this right now!).

So pull those abs in and go find yourself an instructor you like that is at your fitness level and go dance, have fun, and remember, just keep moving!

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