Vacations, what a wonderful thing to be able to do. For most of us vacations are a time for doing things we normally don't do during our normal lives like rafting, fishing, roller coasters, sleeping all day, and indulging in delicious devilish foods.
In my opinion partaking in some divine eating while on vacation is perfectly normal and safe as long as you can get right back to it when your vacation bliss is over; and really that's the key.
I just returned from a week long of comforting indulgence, a week of forgetting what it's like to feel hungry. And let me tell you while I had tons of fun I am so done feeling that way! I am ready to get back to my healthy fun foods and my workouts. If you told me 6 months ago that I would welcome my new lifestyle back after a week off I would have thought you were crazy. After this last week my insides are torn up! My "daily" schedule (achem) is totally off kilter, my stomach acid is all messed up, and my legs are terribly restless. I do not like feeling this way. I have a rather large vacay coming up in about a month. This vacation is with my best foodie friend and we are going on a 5 day Caribbean cruise and then I'll be at her house for a week. Fortunate for me she's changed her lifestyle as well and we both fully intend to use the gym on the boat and I fully intended to use her YMCA. I also plan on indulging is some fine fried Florida food and some fine fresh and delicious food but I also intend to steer away from cheesy greasy foods for at least 95% of my trip.
I guess my point is, is that once you get into the groove of a new lifestyle you will find that venturing off of it too much will make you feel icky and you won't like it.
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